Phenomenal Pocket Knives For Kids That Will Last Years

I am a big supporter of pocket knives for kids when the time is right. One of the treasures that I wish we had in our family is a pocket knife. I feel like pocket knives are one of those heirloom type possessions that really mean something.

That however does not stop me from purchasing my own kids pocket knives that will last decades and be able to be passed on to their children and grand children.

Kids Pocket Knife Recommendations

1. Vanguard Knife – Buck Knives

We love the beauty of this knife. It is a non-retractable pocket knife meaning that the blade does not retract or collapse. It is designed with a safety guard which is important to look for when purchasing for a child.

This knife comes in a high quality protective sheath to keep in safe and protected. USA made and with lifetime warranty.

You also have to option to have your knife personalised with laser engraving.

Via Buck Knives

2. 122 Ranger Knife -Buck Knives

Another pocket knife from Buck Knives. This particular knife is a retractable knife and comes in a stunning hardwood ebony handle. I love that these handles are made from wood that is ethically sourced. This handles are almost indestructible and are going to last for generations to come.

The 122 Ranger has a unique locking system that ensures that it can not come unlocked easily while in the open position. This gives you a lot of confidence that it will not accidently collapse during use.

Personalisation is also available

Via Bucks Knives

3. 301 Stockman – Bucks Knives

Our final knife is the 301 Stockman. This is traditional multi-purpose knife that offers a pocket knife with 3 different blades. This is a great knife for if you want different options.

The stockman is a lot more sturdier and compact in size with smaller blades. It may be a little easier to handle for children.

This multi purpose knife is the lowest cost knife we recommend but that does not mean it is not exceptional quality. It also comes with a life time warranty.

via Bucks Knives

Why Should You Buy Your Child a Pocket Knife

Pocket knives are a bit of a rite of passage into adulthood. A first step if you will into being a responsible grown up. I know when my youngest brother recieved a pocket knife from our dad he was absolutely chuffed. The feeling of being thought of as old enough to own his own knife was something quite special.

Pocket knives are a great way of taking that next step in the outdoors for kids. It can boost their independence as they learn how to cut rope, and help around the campsite. Trust me, they will always be willing to help if it means they get to use their pocket knife!

Owning a pocket knife as a child is a valuable way to learn life skills that they will carry with them through the years. Not only skills like how to cut, and use a knife, but also skills such as responsibility and care for possessions.

We have found as parents that pocket knives for our kids have been a great way to encourage them to be out in nature. They love being able to use pocket knives and one of the best places to use a pocket knife is out in nature. It can be a brilliant way to lure them away from the screens and out into some fresh open air.

What is a Good Age for a Pocket Knife?

The best age for a pocket knife is going to come down to maturity rather than a specific age. There are certain characteristics that you will need to be aware of in your child when you decide if they are ready for a pocket knife. As a general guide I would say 10 years old is when you can probably start thinking about a pocket knife. Our boys will be getting pocket knives the year they turn 12 because that is an important age in our family.

Before you set out to purchase a kids pocket knife consider these questions:

Is My Child Responsible?

When you think of your child and how they approach responsibility would you be comfortable with them using a pocket knife unsupervised? A child who is using a pocket knife will need to show a level of responsibilty that you feel is appropriate for the task.

One big red flag for us when considering the responsibility level is knowing that they will reliably keep the pocket knife safe and out of reach of younger siblings.

The pocket knives we are looking at purchasing are not cheap and are intended to be a cherished item that they will have for many years. It would be our hope that they showed responsibility enough to no misplace it in the first week!

Is My Child Mature

Maturity goes along with responsibility. One of the parts of maturity that we look for in our children is whether they will use the pocket knife for its intended purpose. We have one child that has a history of carving pictures and names into beds! Always someone else’s name though!

Maturity shows that even as a child they will be able to use a pocket knife in an appropriate and constructive way.

Does My Child Follow Instructions Well

When you first give your child a pocket knife you will want to go over safety lessons. It is vitally important that they are able to take on board what they have been taught. This will keep them safe and prevent accidents from occurring.

Is This Something My Child Will Enjoy

Despite all your best intentions and hopes if your child has no interest in pocket knives then it may be best to put this purchase off until later.

Our kids have had a keen interest in having pocket knives for a long time. They have an old one my mum gave them that they love to tinker around with. It is blunt as a butter knife but they love to pretend. I know with out a doubt that a pocket knife for my kids will be a loved and valued gift.

Some children’s passions lie elsewhere and that is totally fine. Help them follow those passions!

Can Children Carry Pocket Knives?

There is no set age on when it okay to carry a pocket knife. A pocket knife is still in fact a knife and a weapon. It will entirely depend on the laws in your state, territory, country and I would definitely recommend that you check local laws.

The generally consensus seems to be that if the knife is under 4inches and collapsable as is a pocket knife it is okay to carry without a permit.

I would exercise caution and common sense however. For example school is not the place for taking a pocket knife but fishing on the lake it the perfect scenario for a pocket knife.

How to Select The Best Pocket Knife


When you choose pocket knives for kids you need to select a size that is going to be comfortable for them. A pocket knife that is too bulky will be awkward to handle and can lead to injuries.


Choose a kids pocket knife made from durable materials. Common materials for pocket knives are metal, plastic and wood. Wood and metal are probably going to be the most enduring in regards to wear and tear.


A kid’s pocket knife needs to fit its purpose. If you feel like your child will benefit or enjoy features other that just a knife then look into utility or swiss army knives. These pocket knives have added features such as screw drivers and bottle openers etc.

A tradtional pocket knife will only be a knife. This is actually what our children prefer. The are able to do all that they need to with a simple blade. Sometimes less is actually more!


Safety is a huge priority for kids pocket knives! You want to make sure you are looking for a kids pocket knife that has a locking mechanism. Moreover aim to find a pocket knife that is able to be collapsed and/or put into a safety pocket or sheath. This will add an extra layer of protection.


Don’t skimp on quality when you are selecting a kids pocket knife. My best advice is that if it looks cheap and it is cheap it is best avoided. A cheap plastic pocket knife is not going to produce the desired results and will leave both you and your child disappointed.

Search for pocket knives that are made by craftsmen that are dedicated to their art or from companies with very high reputations. You will know that you are getting quality kids pocket knives with support avaliable should you need it.

We actually really love seeking out small independent companies for items such as these. I find that you get a far superior product. Along side a quality product you are buying from someone who knows their product and will always endeavour to give you the best experience. Smaller companies are able to give you a better buying experience and are happy to answer questions to make sure you pick the right product.

How to Care for a Pocket Knife

If you want a pocket knife to last for years then you need to take the time to care for it. Kids can learn to care for their pocket knives and will likely enjoy doing so. Neglecting a pocket knife’s blade can result in rust forming and dull blades.

Keep It Sharp

A dull pocket knife is not only very frustrating it is actually quite dangerous. There are many different ways for kids to keep their pocket knife sharp. I would suggest purchasing a simple knife sharpener such as a Sharpel. The bonus of purchasing a Sharpel is that it is great for kitchen knives and scissors too.

For older kids and teens they mights really enjoy a sharpening block. Sharp Pebble have some absolutely stunning sharpening blocks. This would make the perfect accompaniment for your kid’s pocket knife. One of the benefits of this sanding block is that is has multiple sanding grades just like sand paper. Start at the courser grade and move to a finer grade increasing the sharpness of the blade as you go.

This is the best tutorial to teach you how to sharpen your pocket knife.

Keep it Clean

Teach your child to keep their pocket knife clean just like any other knife. Some warm soapy water to remove any residue will work fine. Furthermore it is very important to for your kids to keep their pocket knife dry do it does not rust.

General Maintenance

Help your child to recognise general maintenance concerns such as loose mechanisms or stiff joins. These can easily be fixed with a quick tighten with a screw driver or lubrication.

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